Building a website is a great way to get started with an online business. Low investments and high profits always help entrepreneurs to get an effective start. With the latest technologies and frameworks, building a responsive site becomes easier. The latest Asp.net framework version helps you to make your web application and enhance the performance of your site. You can easily go with asp.net hosting services to make your site online. But often, the performance of your asp.net web application never gives you the desired outcomes.
The performance of Asp.net web application directly affects your business. With slow loading speed and clunky interaction enables your competitors to earn profits by the diverted audience. To get attach with your audience and generate more leads it is mandatory to speed up asp.net web application. This blog comes up with top effective techniques to speed up your web application and improve the performance of your site.
1. Measure Everything Effectively
The first technique you need to apply is to wait and observe. Measuring is a way to judge your site's performance. Before you speed up asp.net web application it is necessary to know the bone of contention that is the reason behind the slow speed of your site. Sometimes, making a change to the site and expecting it will enhance the performance could end up reducing the performance. This is due to the lack of measurements.
You first need to measure performance by measuring servers, loading performance, and JavaScript. You can use some great tools such as prefix to get the slow queries highlighted, know the large JavaScript files and much more. By doing this you will get the idea that which optimization will help you the most. Make sure to set the list of the elements that need to be optimized in order to get rid of any complications.
2. Enable Compression
By default, there is no compression of the content as HTTP isn’t efficient protocol. Some web resources already get compressed such as images but HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are typically transferred as text. Therefore, by enabling compression of HTTP text you can easily speed up Asp.net web application. You will need to use Gzip algorithm or any other compressor to compress the HTML files making them shorter safely and securely.
3. Reduce HTTP Request
Reducing the number of the HTTP request is a great optimization to speed up your Asp.net web application. Browsers can limit the number of request TCP/IP connections makes to a single server at once. Basically in the high latency scenarios, it takes a long time to establish new connections between browser and server.
4. Minify Files
This is one of the easiest technique to apply in order to speed up the asp.net web application. You need to compress the files of JavaScript, CSS and HTML all of them in a way that it doesn’t complicate and even reduces the size of the files on the server. You can use effective tools to minify the files efficiently.
To speed up asp.net web application you can simply use XML and XSLT. These both can enhance the page performance by enhancing their speed and run time.
Therefore, to make your web application effective and responsive you can use these techniques to improve your business.